Navigating Through Albums, Artists, and Playlists.
1. Select your desired search mode. (See “Selecting
a Search Mode”)
2. Navigate through selections in that category
using the UPPPP and DOWN keys.
Browsing Tracks
1. Pressing SEEEK or SEEEK once will advance the
iPod one track up or one track down.
2. Press and hold SEEEK or SEEEK to navigate
through tracks more quickly.
Seeing the Full Artist/Album/Song Name
The radio display is limited to 12 characters, but
artist, album or song names longer than 12 charac-
ters will scroll across the display once. You can
scroll through the title again by pressing COMP on
a type A radio or FeFFF on a Type B Radio.
Changing What’s Displayed
The display will by default show the track name. To
change what information is displayed, press TeEXT
on a Type A or TEEE on a Type B Radio to rotate
through artist, album, or track.
Using your iPod Adapter