BrainMaster Multimedia Player (BMrMMP) User’s Manual
Insert the CD into the drive on your PC, and hit “Play”. The MMP software will access the CD
and begin playing the audio material immediately.
The CD sound will be modulated if you check the “Modulate Sound” box. The volume
(loudness) of the CD will go up or down smoothly, in response to the feedback, in a manner
exactly the same as for sound files.
Note that in addition to using a trainee’s favorite music as sound feedback, this method is also
particularly effective when used with CD’s intended for meditation, relaxation, or new age or
“soundscape” types of music. Thus, in addition to the use in an eyes-open, concentration, focus,
and alertness type of training, the system is useful for eyes-closed, alpha/theta, or related training
If you experience difficulty with MMPlayer, try changing the settings on your Display
Properties. Changing the screen resolution, color resolution, and/or accelerator settings
can solve a “unable to open display device” or similar problem. Make sure Direct X 9.0c
is installed on your PC. Make sure the directory c:\Nfviewer is on your PC.
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