After language is selected device search screen will appear. You can select AUTOMATIC or MANUAL options in this
searching screen.
On device search screen, battery indicator is on the top left corner. Before starting
search you should be sure of your battery fully charged. If the indicator is % 20 or
less ,then maybe you get wrong readings.
Press on OK button which is on AUTOMATIC search on the screen. There are 6 times of measurement between 4 probs
The order is as below;
1 to 2 numbered probs,
2 to 3 numbered probs,
3 to 4 numbered probs,
1 to 4 numbered probs,
1 to 3 numbered probs,
2 to 4 numbered probs,
Searching between 2 ve 4 numbered probs, the result is written on the screen. In whichever probs are searched, led lamps
belonging to those probs on the device light. At the same device screen it is written which probs are searched. Please see
the pictures below.
After the automatic search between
all the probs finishes, measurement
results and depth detail are written
on the result screen.
Line :
Lines where there are measurement
Depth :
If water has been detected in the measurement average depth is written. If no
water is detected, NO WATER is written.
Result :
According to measurement result quality of water detected between probs is
written. If water is not detected NO WATER is written.
When there is a disconnection of cables between probs and cables given together with the product, NO CONNECT is
written on device searching screen.