Assembly / Owner’s Manual
Cool-Down *
When you are done using your TreadClimber
fitness machine, consider doing these relaxing stretches, which will help your body recover from the
workout and make you more flexible:
Lying Leg Raise
Lie on the floor face up with the legs slightly bent. Lift one leg
up toward the ceiling, keeping the knee straight. Place the
hands (or a strap) around the thigh and move the leg closer
to the head. Hold the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds. Repeat the
stretch on the other leg. Keep the head on the floor and do
not round the spine.
Side Lying Knee Bend
Lie on the floor on one side of the body and rest the head on
the lower arm. Bend the top knee and hold the ankle with the
same-side hand, then pull the heel toward the gluteals. Hold
the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds. Lie on the other side and
repeat the stretch with the other leg. Remember to hold the
knees close together.
Lying Figure Four
Lie on the floor face up with the legs bent. Place one foot
across the thigh of the opposite leg in the figure four position.
Reach for the leg on the floor and pull it toward the chest.
Hold the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds. Repeat the stretch with
the other leg. Keep the head on the floor.
Seated Twist
Sit on the floor and extend the legs straight out in front of the
body with the knees slightly bent. Place one hand on the floor
behind the body and the other hand across the thigh. Twist
the upper body as far as comfortably possible to one side.
Hold the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds. Repeat the stretch on
the other side.
Seated Figure Four
Sit on the floor and extend one leg straight out in front of the
body. Place the foot of the other leg across the thigh in the
figure four position. Move the chest toward the legs, pivoting
at the hip. Hold the stretch for 10 to 30 seconds. Repeat on
the other leg. Use the arms to support the back.
Source: Jay Blahnik’s Full-Body Flexibility, Second Edition, 2010. HumanKinetics.com.