Daily/Before Each Use:
Examine equipment. Make sure it looks in good condition and
operates smoothly. If you find damage, DO NOT USE.
Daily/After Each Use:
Clean equipment with a clean, dry cloth. Do not use cleansers
containing enzymes.
Clean equipment fully with a clean cloth lightly dampened with
warm water and a small amount of mild soap. Wipe dry with a
separate cloth. Touch up any scratches with touch-up paint to
prevent rust, if necessary.
Examine the frame for signs of cracking or permanent bending.
Do not use the equipment if you see this. Contact your local
distributor immediately.
If you have any questions on the correct use or maintenance of this equipment, contact your
local distributor.
Equipment must be regularly examined for damage and repairs. The owner is responsible
to make sure that regular maintenance is done. Worn or damaged components must be
replaced immediately or the equipment removed from service until the repair is made.
Only manufacturer supplied components can be used to maintain and repair the