background image

back and vice versa when speakers are
used in dipole mode, we recommend that
the side speakers have their positive lobes
(arrows) pointing towards the front of the
room and the rear speakers have their
positive lobes (arrows) pointing towards the
centre of the rear wall. (

figure 6


Stray magnetic fields

The speaker drive units create stray
magnetic fields that extend beyond the
boundaries of the cabinet. We recommend
you keep magnetically sensitive articles
(television and computer screens, computer
discs, audio and video tapes, swipe cards
and the like) at least 0.5m (20 in) from the


(figure 7)

All connections should be made with the
equipment switched off.

Ensure the positive terminal on the speaker
( and coloured red) is connected
to the positive output terminal of the
amplifier and negative (marked – and
coloured black) to negative. Incorrect
connection can result in poor imaging and
loss of bass.

The spring-loaded terminals accept bared
wire ends. Press down on the end of the
terminal to expose the side hole.

Fixing the speaker in place


Use a stud finding tool to locate the
position of the studs behind the
plasterboard panels.

Use the template provided to mark the
position of the speaker. The outside edge
of the template represents the size of the
wall frame. Do not allow the template to
overlap a stud position or the swing-out
clamps will not operate correctly.

Mark along the inner edge of the slots in
the template. Join up the lines and cut out
the aperture. (figure 8)

New construction

When the wall studding is in place, but
before the plasterboard (drywall) panels are
fitted, fix the pre-mount kit (PMK), following
the instructions included with the kit. (figure
9) Plasterboard (drywall) panels may then
be fitted with an aperture for the PMK and

All applications

Draw the cable to the aperture. Make sure
that the cable and any other services in the
cavity are prevented from rattling against
the structure, either by securing or

Push acoustic wadding into the wall cavity
between the sides of the aperture and the
vertical studs and above and below the
aperture to a distance of 15cm (6 in) or
more. Suitable materials are fibreglass or
mineral wool matting, as sold for heat
insulation, or polyester fibre used for filling
duvets (comforters). Foam pads may also
be used, but these must be of the open
cell variety. Closed cell foam, commonly
sold for furniture use is not suitable.
(figure 10)

Push the wall frame into position and
secure. For all situations, this is done by
screwing up the swing-out clamps. The
initial turn of the screw will cause the
clamps to swing out into position and
further turning will draw them towards the
back of the wall. In retrofit situations
without the PMK for protection, take care
not to over tighten the clamps, otherwise
the plasterboard will crush and weaken the
fixing. (figure 11)

Decorating is best carried out at this stage,
before the baffle and drivers are fitted. The
wall frame may be painted using any
normal household paint. Never paint over
the grille fabric as this will clog the pores
and impair the sound. We recommend you
do not attempt to paint the speaker baffle.
The combination of a black grille frame in
front of a black baffle ensures that the
cross pattern of the grille frame is least
visible, even with white cloth.

Connect the cable to the speaker as
described in the “Connections” section
above and screw the baffle into the wall
frame using the pan head screws provided.

The grilles are a push fit onto the baffle, but
before fitting them, balance the installation
following the processor instructions and
select dipole or monopole mode as
preferred (see below).

Mode selection 

(figure 12)

Use the switch on the front baffle to select
between monopole and dipole modes. In

position, the speaker is monopole

and in the 


position it is dipole.

Experiment to find the settings best suited
to your requirements. Typical combinations

• All surround speakers monopole

• Side speakers dipole, rear speakers


• All surround speakers dipole

It would be unusual, but not impossible, to
set side speakers to monopole and rear
speakers to dipole.


With the grille detached from the cabinet,
clean the fabric with a normal clothes brush
or vacuum cleaner with appropriate

Avoid touching the drive units, especially
the tweeter, as damage may result.


Garantie limitée

Cher Client, 

Bienvenue à B&W.

Ce produit a été conçu et fabriqué en vertu
des normes de qualité les plus rigoureuses.
Toutefois, en cas de problème, B&W
Loudspeakers et ses distributeurs
nationaux garantissent une main d’œuvre
(exclusions possibles) et des pièces de
rechange gratuites dans tout pays desservi
par un distributeur agréé de B&W. 

Cette garantie limitée est valide pour une
période de cinq ans à compter de la date
d’achat ou une période de deux ans pour
les composants électroniques, y compris
les haut-parleurs amplifiés. 



La garantie est limitée à la réparation
de l’équipement. Les frais de transport
ou autres, les risques associés à
l’enlèvement, au transport et à
l’installation des produits ne sont pas
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La garantie est exclusivement réservée
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Cette garantie ne s’applique qu’aux
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applicable dans les cas suivants : 


détériorations entraînées par une
installation, connexion ou un emballage


détériorations entraînées par un usage
autre que l’usage correct décrit dans le
manuel de l’utilisateur, la négligence,
des modifications ou l’usage de pièces
qui ne sont pas fabriquées ou agréées
par B&W,


détériorations entraînées par un
équipement auxiliaire défectueux ou
qui ne convient pas,


détériorations résultant de : accidents,
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les produits qui ont été réparés ou
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toute obligation juridique nationale /
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vos droits statutaires en tant que

Comment faire une réclamation
en vertu de la garantie

Veuillez respecter la procédure ci-dessous,
si vous souhaitez faire une réclamation
sous garantie : 

