Before use:
Ensure you are fit to use the ladder. Certain medical conditions, medications, alcohol or drug
use could make ladder use unsafe.
When transporting ladders on roof racks or in trucks, ensure they are suitably placed and se-
cured to prevent damage.
Inspect the ladder after delivery and before each use to confirm the condition and operation of
all parts.
Visually check that the ladder is not damaged and is safe to use at the start of each working
day when the ladder is to be used.
Ensure the ladder is suitable for the task at hand.
Do not ever use a damaged ladder.
Remove any contamination from the ladder, such as wet paint, mud, oil, ice or snow.
Before use of the ladder in any work environment, a full risk assessment should be carried out.
Manufacturer Safety Instructions
Positioning and Erecting ladder
Inclination angle should not exceed 75 degrees.
Ladder should be on an even, level and unmovable base.
The leaning ladder should be placed against a flat, non-fragile surface and should be secured
before use, e.g. tied down or with an assistant standing on the bottom rung to secure it.
When positioning the ladder, take into account any risk of collision with the ladder from pedes-
trians, vehicles, doors or windows in the work area. Never set the ladder up in the vicinity of a
closed fire exit as it may be opened urgently.
Identify any electrical risks in the work area, such as overhead lines or other exposed electrical
The ladder should never be positioned on a slippery surface (such as ice, polished surfaces
or significantly contaminated solid surfaces) unless additional effective measures are taken to
Use of the ladder
Do not exceed the maximum total load of 150kg.
Do not overreach. Users should keep the trunk of their body inside the stiles, with both feet on
the same step/rung throughout the task.
Do not step off a leaning ladder at a higher level without additional security, such as tying off, or
the use of a suitable stability device.
Do not use standing ladders to access another level.
Do not stand on the top three steps/rungs of a leaning ladder.
Ladders should only be used for light work of short durations.
Do not use the ladder outside in adverse weather conditions, such as in a strong wind.
Take precautions against children playing on the ladder.
Face the ladder when ascending or descending.
Keep a secure grip on the ladder when ascending or descending.
Do not use the ladder as a bridge.
Wear suitable footwear when climbing a ladder.
Do not spend long periods on a ladder without regular breaks.
If you must use a ladder to gain access to a higher level, the top of the ladder should extend to
at least 1m above the landing point.
Equipment to be carried while using a ladder should be light and easy to handle. If you are
lifting/lowering heavy or bulky equipment, the use of stairs, an elevator or a hauling bag with a
pulley system should be used.