6 000 836 999
Bosch Automotive Diagnostics Equipment (Shenzhen) Limited
Use of the product constitutes acceptance of the fol-
lowing conditions:
The enclosed instructions are the property of Bosch
Automotive Diagnostics Equipment (Shenzhen) Limited
or its suppliers and are protected against reproduction
by copyright laws, international agreements and other
national legal stipulations. The reproduction or disposal
of instructions or excerpts thereof is impermissible and
constitutes an offence. In the event of contravention,
Bosch Automotive Diagnostics Equipment (Shenzhen)
Limited reserves the right to take legal action and as-
sert claims for damages.
The use of non-approved hardware causes changes to
our products and thus results in the exclusion of any
liability and warranty claims, even if the hardware has
been removed again in the meantime.
It is not permissible to make any changes to our
products and these are only to be used together with
genuine accessories and genuine replacement parts.
Otherwise any warranty claims will be invalid.
Liability on the part of Bosch Automotive Diagnostics
Equipment (Shenzhen) Limited is limited to the amount
actually paid by the customer for the product con-
cerned. This exemption from liability does not apply to
wilful damage or damage arising from gross negligence
on the part of Bosch Automotive Diagnostics Equip-
ment (Shenzhen) Limited.
Important notes
Before start up, connecting and operating
Bosch Automotive Diagnostics Equipment
(Shenzhen) Limited products it is absolute-
ly essential that the operating instructions/
owner’s manual and, in particular, the safety instruc-
tions are studied carefully. By doing so you can elimi-
nate any uncertainties in handling Bosch Automotive
Diagnostics Equipment (Shenzhen) Limited products
and thus associated safety risks upfront; something
which is in the interests of your own safety and will
ultimately help avoid damage to the device. When a
Bosch Automotive Diagnostics Equipment (Shenzhen)
Limited product is handed over to another person, not
only the operating instructions but also the safety
instructions and information on its designated use must
be handed over to the person.
Safety instructions
Insulation damage and other faults may result
in accessible components being live.
Safety measures:
Only ever use the power cord provided or a tested
power cord.
Replace wires with damaged insulation.
Do not open the operating unit.
In the event of excessive vehicle weight, incor-
rect mounting of the vehicle or on removing
heavy objects, there is a risk of the vehicle falling
off the lifting platform or tipping up.
Safety measures:
The lifting platform is only ever to be employed for
the intended purpose.
Carefully study and heed all the information given in
Section 6.1.
Observe the warning notices for operation (Section 6).