Parking Lot Sensor TPS110 EU
9 | 14
The sensor can be screwed into the base after the adhesive has cured. To simplify insertion, the arrow on the bottom
of the sensor points towards the Bosch logo (see Figure 14 Installing/screwing in the sensor). After inserting the
sensor, it will take approx.
2 minutes until the first measurements are carried out. During this time, the sensor should be completely screwed in to
ensure optimum teaching of the sensor. To tighten it, use the T20 screw and then close the opening with the sensor
sealing cap.
Figure 14 Installing/screwing in the sensor
After the installation of the sensor, the sensor learns about parking changes, which happens in its vicinity. After
10 parking changes, the sensor is in its taught-in state.
Replacing/removing the BOSCH Parking Lot Sensor
place the parking lot sensor, only the sensor needs to be replaced. To do this, remove the sensor cap and loosen the
T20 screw; then remove the sensor from the sensor base.
During operation, a continuous automatic calibration of the parking lot sensor takes place through "parking"
and "exiting parking space'' events.
A battery replacement is not intended; instead, the sensor must be replaced.