3 Important Directions for Use
3.1 Appropriate Use
3.1.1 Description
Bosch Rexroth products represent state-of-the-art developments and manufac-
turing. They are tested prior to delivery to ensure operating safety and reliabili-
The products can only be used in the appropriate way. Otherwise, situations re-
sulting in property damage and personal injury may occur.
Bosch Rexroth as manufacturer is not liable for any damages result-
ing from inappropriate use. In such cases, the guarantee and the
right to payment of damages resulting from inappropriate use are
forfeited. The user alone carries all responsibility of the risks.
Before using Bosch Rexroth products, make sure that all the pre-requisites for
appropriate use of the products are satisfied.
Personnel that in any way or form use our products must first read and un-
derstand the relevant safety instructions and be familiar with appropriate
If the products take the form of hardware, they must remain in their original
state, in other words, no structural changes are permitted.
It is not permitted to decompile software products or alter source codes.
Do not mount damaged or faulty products or use them in operation.
Make sure that the products have been installed in the manner described in
the relevant documentation.
3.1.2 Usage and Application
PROFIBUS-DP adapter is only used to control of Bosch Rexroth Fe series fre-
quency converters.
3.2 Inappropriate Use
Using the PROFIBUS-DP adapter outside of the operating conditions described
in this manual and outside of the indicated technical data and specifications is
defined as "inappropriate use".
PROFIBUS-DP adapters shall not be used in applications which have not been
expressly authorized by Bosch Rexroth. Please carefully follow the specifica-
tions outlined in the general Safety Instructions!
Bosch Rexroth AG
Important Directions for Use