designed for impact-ready
accessories. Attach only high quality
accessories with the proper size square
d r i v e d e s i g n e d f o r u s e w i t h i m p a c t
To install a socket
, insert the square
output drive into the square end of the
socket. To remove, pull off output drive
(Fig. 6).
To insert a bit
, pull locking sleeve
forward, insert desired bit into bit
and release locking sleeve. To
remove an accessory, pull locking sleeve
forward and remove it from the bit
holder (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6 also shows the installation of a
screwdriver bit
, using a hex bit
, and the installation of a
screwdriver bit with power groove
Belt clip (Optional Accessory)
W h e n t h e t o o l i s
attached to the belt,
position yourself to avoid entanglement
with surrounding objects.
entanglement could cause the tool to fall
resulting in injury to the operator or
The optional belt clip accessory will
allow you to conveniently attach your
tool to your belt. This feature will allow
y o u t o h a v e b o t h h a n d s f r e e w h e n
climbing a ladder or moving to another
work area.
The belt clip
can be attached to
either side of the tool by securing it with
a mounting screw. Always make sure you
securely tighten the mounting screw
before use (Fig.1).
To use clip, turn tool upside down and
attach to your belt.
GCY42 Connectivity Module
To reduce the risk of
i n j u r y
r e a d
t h e
operating instructions included with
B o s c h G C Y 4 2 c o n n e c t i v i t y m o d u l e .
O p e r a t i n g i n s t r u c t i o n s f o r G C Y 4 2
connectivity module include important
information not covered in this manual.
Only use Button/coin
cell 3V lithium CR2032
b a t t e r y .
D o n o t u s e a n y o t h e r
b u t t o n / c o i n c e l l s o r o t h e r f o r m s o f
electrical power supply.
E n s u r e t h a t b a t t e r y
replacement is carried
o u t p r o p e r l y .
T h e r e i s a r i s k o f
Chemical Burn Hazard.
Keep batteries away
from children.
This product contains a
lithium button/coin cell battery. If a new
or used lithium button/coin cell battery
is swallowed or enters the body, it can
cause severe internal burns and can lead
to death in as little as 2 hours. If you
t h i n k a b a t t e r y m i g h t h a v e b e e n
swallowed or placed inside any part of
t h e b o d y , s e e k i m m e d i a t e m e d i c a l
A l w a y s c o m p l e t e l y
s e c u r e
t h e
connectivity module compartment.
the connectivity module compartment
does not close securely, stop using the
product, remove the battery, and keep it
away from children.
W h e n
d i s c a r d i n g
batteries, insulate the
‘+’ and ‘–’ terminals with insulating
When disposed of improperly,
lithium batteries may short, causing
them to become hot, burst or ignite.
Fig. 6
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