6 720 617 763 (2008/09)
With the FW 100 heating controller, you can auto-
matically control the room temperature and
domestic hot water temperature with a heating
and hot water programme created according to
your own individual requirements.
Fig. 17
Example of heating programme
Once the controller is set to your personal prefer-
ences, you hardly need the menus for “everyday
use”. Nevertheless, it is useful to be familiar with
the basic use of the menus.
Therefore, you should read the whole of
Sections 5.1 and 5.2 below and adjust a heating
or domestic hot water programme to your own
requirements as described in Section 5.2.2.
The procedure for changing a switching point will
illustrate everything you need to know about nav-
igating through the menus and entering settings.
You can then make all other settings in the same
way with the aid of the information in Sections 6
and 8.
The description of the menus reflects the
arrangement of the menu options on the heating
controller. The tables in Sections 6.1, 7 and 8.1
show the entire menu structure. They also pro-
vide details of the adjustment ranges and default
settings for all adjustable parameters. More infor-
mation on the menu options can be found in
Sections 6.2 to 6.5 for user settings, and
Sections 8.2 to 8.9 for installer settings.
The description of a menu options starts with its
menu path. That shows you how to reach the
menu option concerned through the system of
menus. The individual menu levels are separated
by the character > , e.g. Holiday > Start
Some menu options are dependent on others. In
such cases, a page reference directs you to a
description of the menu option on which it
depends. Make use of such page references to
other menu options. They will help you to under-
stand associated functions.
6 720 612 481-70.1J
The controller provides the option
of setting the desired room temper-
ature for the operating mode con-
cerned. This temperature entry is
not the actual room temperature.
This is an orientation value that in-
fluences the required flow tempera-
ture for the heating circuit.