Rugged Bubble (Option)
• Rugged Bubbles are made from 3 mm thick
Polycarbonate, designed to meet stringent strength
standards without compromising optical clarity.
• The Bubble, by itself, can withstand a 100 foot-pound
impact. This energy is equivalent to that of a 10 lb
sledgehammer dropped from a height of 10 feet.
• The Bubble, installed in the Dome, exceeds the
UL 1598 horizontal impact standard for lighting
fixtures by a factor of 10.
Camera Commands
• Picture quality settings such as White Balance and
• Max Gain: When Automatic Gain Control (AGC) is on,
the AutoDome allows selection of a specific maximum
setting that the AGC can achieve, limiting graininess
of the picture. The camera automatically adjusts to
very low-light situations.
• Slow Shutter (Frame Integration): By slowing the
shutter speed, the camera’s sensitivity increases,
resulting in visibility at much lower light levels.
Available settings are fully automatic, or one of six
specific shutter speeds.
• Digital Zoom: A full 12x digital zoom can be utilized
once the maximum optical zoom has been reached. If
digital zoom is not desired, it can be disabled.
Day/Night Commands
• Night Mode: This feature switches the camera from
Color to Monochrome and removes the IR filter,
increasing the camera’s sensitivity in low light
applications. Settings are on, off, or fully automatic.
• Night Mode Threshold: When set to automatic, this
feature determines the light level at which the camera
will switch to night mode.
Dome Commands
• Sector Blanking: Video blanking in up to 16 specified
sectors within total field-of-view.
• Privacy Masking: Up to six areas can be masked from
• Guard Tours: There are two styles of Guard Tours:
– The preset tour has capability for up to 99
presets, which can either be included or excluded
from the tour. The dwell time can be specified,
whereupon each of the included presets will be
visited consecutively. This tour continues until
operator intervention.
– Two Recorded tours are available, which have a
combined duration of 15 minutes of movements.
These are recorded macros of an operator’s
movements, including Pan/Tilt/Zoom (PTZ)
activities, and can be played back in a continuous
manner. This creates a smoother and more
thorough type of automated tour.
• Inactivity: When an operator stops manual control of a
dome, the inactivity option determines what the
dome should do next, if anything. The options are as
follows: return to a specific preset, return to the
automated tour previously executed, or do nothing.
The installer can determine the duration of the
inactivity period.
• Password Control: This feature allows the installer to
determine the security level of dome commands.
Available settings are as follows:
– Low: any user can access any option.
– Medium: a published command unlocks the
– High: a four digit, modifiable password is
required to unlock the commands.
Installation/configuration notes
R 10.2
2 | ENV Series EnviroDome Camera Systems