Instructions for your personal safety
Mains voltages
High voltage
Hazardous voltages occur in both the lighting system and the
electrical system of a motor vehicle. If contact is made with live
parts (e.g. with the ignition coil), there is a risk of electric shock
from flashover voltages caused by damaged insulation (e.g.
ignition cables which have been attacked by martens). This
applies to both the primary side and the secondary side of the
ignition system, to the cable harness and the plug connections,
to the lighting systems (Litronic) and to the tester connections.
Safety precautions:
- All testers must be connected to properly grounded, shock-
proof sockets.
- Testers must always be connected using the power cables
supplied with them.
- All extension cables must be fitted with shock-proof contacts.
- Any cables with damaged insulation must be replaced (e.g.
power or ignition cables).
- Connect testers to the lighting system and switch them on
before connecting them to the vehicle.
- Connect testers to the engine ground or to the battery (B-)
before switching on the ignition.
- Always switch off the ignition before performing any work on
the electrical system of the vehicle. The term „work“ includes
connecting testers, replacing parts of the ignition system,
removing assemblies (e.g. generators), connecting assem-
blies to a test bench, etc.
- Wherever possible, tests and settings should always be car-
ried out with the ignition switched off and the engine stationary.
- If tests or settings are carried out with the ignition switched on
or the engine running, care must be taken not to touch any live
parts. This applies to all the connecting cables of the testers
as well as to the connections of any assemblies at the test bench.
- Test connections must always be made using suitable connec-
tors (e.g. Bosch testing cable set or vehicle-specific adapter
- Make sure that all test connections are properly plugged in and
- Never open the casing of the screen.
Danger of Implosion
There is a danger of the screen tube imploding if the screen is
improperly handled (e.g. the tube is subjected to some form of
impact, sudden temperature change, the glass is damaged).
Safety precautions:
- Make sure that the screen is well vented so that heat can
properly dissipate.
- Never cover the vents (e.g. with a towel) while the screen in
switched on.
- Never allow a fluid to penetrate the screen.
- Place the screen away from direct sunlight.
Danger of acid burning
Acids and alkalis
can cause severe burning on unprotected
skin. Hydrogen fluoride forms hydrofluoric acid in combination
with moisture (water).
Safety precautions:
- Rinse any affected parts of the skin immediately in water, then
consult a doctor!
Danger of asphyxiation
Car exhaust fumes contain carbon monoxide (CO) - a colorless,
odorless gas. If inhaled, carbon monoxide causes an oxygen
deficiency in the body. Extreme caution is therefore essential
when working in a pit, as some of the components of the exhaust
gas are heavier than air and settle at the bottom of the pit.
Caution is also necessary when working on LPG-driven vehicles.
Safety precautions:
- Always ensure effective ventilation and suction (especially
when working in a pit).
- Always switch on and connect the suction plant in a closed