Français |
Do not dry clean
Not to be used by very young children (0–3
Do not insert pins
After washing, ensure that the connector plug is com-
pletely dry before it is inserted back into the battery
After-Sales Service and Application Service
Our after-sales service responds to your questions concern-
ing maintenance and repair of your product as well as spare
parts. You can find explosion drawings and information on
spare parts at:
The Bosch product use advice team will be happy to help you
with any questions about our products and their accessor-
In all correspondence and spare parts orders, please always
include the 10‑digit article number given on the nameplate
of the product.
Great Britain
Robert Bosch Ltd. (B.S.C.)
P.O. Box 98
Broadwater Park
North Orbital Road
Denham Uxbridge
UB 9 5HJ
At www.bosch-pt.co.uk you can order spare parts or arrange
the collection of a product in need of servicing or repair.
Tel. Service: (0344) 7360109
E-Mail: [email protected]
You can find further service addresses at:
The contained lithium-ion batteries are subject to the Dan-
gerous Goods Legislation requirements. The batteries are
suitable for road-transport by the user without further re-
When shipping by third parties (e.g.: by air transport or for-
warding agency), special requirements on packaging and la-
belling must be observed. For preparation of the item being
shipped, consulting an expert for hazardous material is re-
Dispatch battery packs only when the housing is undam-
aged. Tape or mask off open contacts and pack up the bat-
tery in such a manner that it cannot move around in the
packaging. Please also observe the possibility of more de-
tailed national regulations.
Power tools, rechargeable batteries, accessor-
ies and packaging should be sorted for environ-
mental-friendly recycling.
Do not dispose of power tools and batteries/re-
chargeable batteries into household waste!
Only for EU countries:
According to the Directive 2012/19/EU, power tools that
are no longer usable, and according to the Directive
2006/66/EC, defective or used battery packs/batteries,
must be collected separately and disposed of in an environ-
mentally correct manner.
Battery packs/batteries:
Please observe the notes in the section on transport (see
"Transport", page 13).
Consignes de sécurité
Lisez attentivement toutes les instructions
et consignes de sécurité.
Le non-respect des
instructions et consignes de sécurité peut pro-
voquer un choc électrique, un incendie et/ou
entraîner de graves blessures.
Conservez tous les avertissements et toutes les instruc-
tions pour pouvoir s’y reporter ultérieurement.
Ce vêtement n’est pas prévu pour
être utilisé par des enfants ni par
des personnes souffrant d’un han-
dicap physique, sensoriel ou men-
tal ou manquant d’expérience ou
de connaissances.
Ce vêtement peut être utilisé par
des enfants (âgés d’au moins
8 ans) et par des personnes souf-
frant d’un handicap physique, sen-
soriel ou mental ou manquant d’ex-
périence ou de connaissances, à
condition qu’ils soient sous la sur-
veillance d’une personne respon-
sable de leur sécurité ou après
Bosch Power Tools
1 609 92A 5PK | (05.10.2020)