W T C - 3 5 0 T h i n C l i e n t
Easily Deployed, Centrally Managed, Secure
O v e r v i e w
Powered by Microsoft Windows CE.Net, the BOSaNOVA WTC-350
provides cost-effective and secure access to applications residing on an
iSeries or pSeries host, and/or Microsoft Windows, Unix, or Citrix servers.
The unit is small and efficiently designed; it can be used as a base for the
monitor or mounted vertically using the factory-supplied stand.
The BOSaNOVA WTC-350 includes a powerful suite of connectivity clients
as well as viewing support for standard office file formats such as PDF,
word processing, spreadsheet, and presentation applications.
A d v a n t a g e s
Lays flat under monitor for zero footprint freeing up valuable desktop
s p a c e .
Fast processor gives this entry-level Thin Client the benefit of excellent
performance in an economical solution.
Windows CE.Net operating system with embedded Internet Explorer 6.0
compact browser to access web-based applications — with window
m a n a g e r, web mail icon, and kiosk mode.
Embedded GUI TN5250e/TN3270e terminal emulation display (up
to four sessions) and SCS printing, as well as the following ASCII
emulations: VT100, VT220, VT400, SCO, Xterm R6, and Telnet
with SSH
Supports connection to Windows Terminal Servers and Citrix servers
using the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), Citrix Independent
Computing Architecture (ICA) client software, Citrix Web Client,
Tarantella and VNC Client
Automatic 5250 session termination on power-down, preventing
“session in use” problems normally associated with Ethernet terminals
Supports windowing (in desktop mode), USB printing, and dial-up
c o n n e c t i o n
Contains full array of embedded applications such as Word, Excel and
PowerPoint viewers; POP-3 e-mail; media player; and a PDF v i e w e r
GUI setup and centralized configuration, management, and security via
the SNMP based BOSmanager utility for low T C O ( Total Cost
of Ownership)
B O S a N O V A , I n c .
2012 W. Lone Cactus Drive, Phoenix, AZ 85027
Tel: (866) 865-5250
Fax: (623) 516-8697
Enterprise Class Remote A d m i n i s t r a t i o n
The BOSaNOVA WTC-350 Thin Client is simple to
configure either locally or remotely using the BOSaNOVA
M a n a g e r, which enables the following tasks:
Complete terminal configuration from a central
l o c a t i o n
User lock-out from configuration changes
Scheduling of firmware updates
Cloning of user environments
Control over which applications run on a
particular terminal
Split-screen functionality, similar to that found in
IBM 3477-type Twinax terminals, is available in both
Text Mode
and the
Desktop Mode
of the
B O S a N O VA T B T- 3 5 0
WTC-350 is
small enough
to be mounted
behind or placed
under a monitor
- creating zero
footprint and
freeing up
valuable desktop