Bosanova RBT-366 Quick Start Manual Download Page 2

2. RBT-366 Configuration 

When the  RBT-366 is turned on for the first time it will boot up to the QUICK SETUP 
screen.  Here you will be able to configure the RBT-366 to run in TBT mode. 
If you would like to configure the RBT-366 in a GUI mode from this quick start screen 
you will hit  F12 then hit F2. Once on the Terminal Properties screen go to Terminal 
Properties. This will put you on the General Properties screen, here go to Terminal 
Modality and change this to Desktop. Once this field has been changed then hit F3. The 
unit will now request a reboot, hit ENTER and the unit will now reboot into Desktop 


  To navigate between fields on this screen you will use the TAB key. 

To change a value in a field use the Page Up and Page Down buttons on your keyboard. 


Use DHCP: If you answer YES the RBT-366 will pull a DHCP address. If you answer 
NO the 4 fields below this will need to be filled out.  
IP Address:  If you answered NO to use DHCP you will need to enter the IP address for 
this unit with in this field  
Subnet Mask:  If you answered NO to use DHCP you will need to enter the Subnet 
Mask in this field. 
Default Gateway:  If you answered NO to use DHCP you will need to enter the IP ad-
dress of your default gateway.  
Primary DNS Server IP address: If you answered NO to use DHCP you will need to 
enter a Primary DNS Server IP address if used.  


In this section you will enter the information for your I-series/

Sessions:This is were you can specify the number of display sessions you would need 
Device Name Prefix:  is the prefix that will be given to your 5250 sessions when created 
on the I-Series/AS400. This has a maximum of 5 characters. If you enter  
Keyboard Type: Here you can choose PC for a standard 101/104 key keyboard, or Ter-
minal also for a 101/104 key keyboard. When you use Terminal it will map the ENTER 
key to Field Exit and the Right CRTL key to enter. 
Keyboard Language:  Here you can set your keyboard language. 
Host Name/ IP:  Here you can will enter the IP address of the I-SERIES/AS400 or the 
DNS name of the I-Series/AS400 if DNS is used.   
Printer: If you have a locally attached printer and want to have it print from the host you 
can specify this in this section. 



USB ports  

Connecting the RBT-366 


5250 Hot keys 
(Terminal Style) 

Enter = Right CTRL 
Field exit = ENTER 
Error Reset = Left CRTL 
Attention = Esc 
Hotkey to next session = ALT + Tab 
Dup =  Numpad * 
Roll up =  Page Down 
Roll Down = Page Up 
Split Screen = Ctrl-Alt-Insert


CTRL+ALT+END= Enables terminal connection manager 


= Jumps back to the previous session 



= Jumps to the subsequent session 

F2 = Enters Terminal Setup from the Terminal connection 
manager screen 
On power up if you hold down the space bar key it will get 
you to the Quick set up screen 

Hot Keys 
