somewhere around 30-40 minutes per session, and
take 10-20 minutes of rest between work sessions.
Also try to keep the total amount of work performed
in a single day under 2 hours or less. h. Be sure to
keep this manual handy so that you may refer to it
later whenever any questions arise.
● Always be sure to include this manual when selling,
lending, or otherwise transferring the ownership of
this product.
● Never allow children or anyone unablë to fully un
derstand the directions given in this manual to use
this brush cutter.
When using your brush cutter, you should wear proper
clothing and protective equipaient as follows.
● Helmet
● Protection goggles or face protector
● Thick work gloves
● Non-slip-sole work boots
● Ear protectors
And you should carry with you things as follows.
● Attached tools and files
● Properly reserved fuel
● Spare biade
● Things to notify your working area (Tope, warning
● Whistle (for collaboration or emergency)
● Hatchet or saw (for removal of obstacles)
Never use your brush cutter when wearing pants with
loose cuffs, when wearing sondais, or when barefoot.
● The engine of this product is designed to run on a
mixed fuel, which contains highly flammable gaso
line. You should never store cans of fuel or refill the
fuel tank in any place where there is a boiler, stove,
wood fire, electriçal sparks, weiding sparks, or any
otner source of heat or fire which might ignite the
● Smoking while operatingMhe brush cutter or refilling
its fuel tank is extremely dangerous. Always be sure
to keèp lit cigarettes away from Ihe brush cutter at all
● When refilling, the tank always turn off the engine
first and take a careful look around to make sure
that there are no sparks or open fiames anywhere
nearby before refueling.
● If any fuel spiliage oçcurs during refueling, use a dry
rag to wipe up spills before turning the engine back
on again.
● After refueling, screw the fuel cap back ttghtly onto
the fuel tank and then carry the brush cutter 1o a
spot 3m or more awayîrorrfwhere it was refueied be-
fore turning on the engine.
● Before beginning work, look around carefully to
get a feel for the shape of the land, or grass to be
trimmed and whether or not there are any obstacle,
which might get in the way while working, and re-
move any obstacles, which can be cleared away.
● The area within a perimeter of 15m of the person
using the brush cutter should be considered a haz-
ardous area into which no one snould enter while
the brush cutter is in use, and when necessary yel-
low warning rope, warning signs should be placed
around the work area. When work is to be performed
simultaneously by two or more persons, always
check the presence and locations of others so as to
maintain a distance each person sufficient to ensure
● Make sure that there are no loose screws or bolts,
fuel leaks, ruptures, dents, or any other problems,
which might interfère with safe operation. Be espe-
cialty careful to check that there is nothing wrong
with the blades or with the joints by which the blades
are attached to the brush cutter.
● Never use blades that are bent. warped, cracked,
broken or damaged in any way. e. Keep the blade
always sharp.
● Filling the cutting edges, keep the end corner sharp
and round the root of the edge.
● Check the boit to fasten the blade and be sure the
blade turns smoothly without abnormal noise.
1. Take a careful look around to make sure that no
obstacfes exist within a perimeier of 15m or less
around brush cutter.
2. Place the body of the brush cutler onto the ground
in a fiât clear area ana hold it firmly in place so as to
ensure that neither neither the blades nor the throt-
lle corne into contact with any obstacles when the
engine starts up.
3. Place the throttle into the idling position when ster-
ling the engine.
4. After sterling up the engine. if the blades continue
lo rotale aven after the throttle has been moved
fully taack, turn off the engine and check the throtlle
wire and other parts.
A dangerous reaction may occur when the spinning
blade contacts a solid cbject in the criticoi area. It is
called Kick back. As a resuit, the operator can lose con-
trol of the unit, which can cause serious or fatal injury.
Avoid kickbqck; observe the safety precautions below
1. Before beginning work, clear your working area and
remove grasses around the obstacles.
2. When using your brush cutter, do not grip other
paris except the handles.
3. When using your brush cutter, never take your eyes
off. If you need to, place the throttle into the idling
4. When using your brush cutter, do not let the unit
get closer to your feet nor raise the unit above your
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