S a f e t y - a n d u s e r s i n s t r u c t i o n s
Tourlock 120/22
Version :
Issue :
A. The Tourlock 120/22 safety devices
1 Safety Rail Bent wall (SRB)
2 Failsafe
B. The workingprinciples of the Tourlock 120/22 with card reader system
1 One authorized user
2 One authorized user (from secured side) and one unauthorized user
(from non secured side)or the opposite
3 Two authorized users (from secured and non secured side)
4 Two successively authorized users (from one side)
C.The signallamps on theT
ourlock 120/22
1 Green illuminates (after card reader use)
9 sec.
3 Red flashes
4 Red illuminates continuously
C o n t r o l p a n e l *
1 One person in
2 One person out
3 Free in
5 Locking
6 Alarm/ Buzzeralarm
7 Reset
4 Free out
2 Green illuminates continuously
5 Green flashes