Clogged system
It is possible that the fog output of your machine decreases over time. This may be
caused by congestion in the fluid pump system. To solve this, you have to follow the
steps described below first. Do not use special fog machine cleaning solutions first, as
these are the last expedients to save your fog machine. - If there is any fog liquid left in
your tank, remove it from the tank. - Fill the fluid tank with demineralized/distilled
Never use tap or normal bottled water as this contains chalk. This may clog
your system, causing permanent damage.
- Fill the tank with approximately 1 liter demineralized/distilled water.
- Turn on the machine and let the heating process take place
- When your fog machine is ready, let the machine work at 100% output, continuously.
This can be done through DMX or with the timer remote control.
- You will notice that the first couple of output-bursts the machine mainly produces fog.
This is caused due to the fog liquid that is still inside the pipes of the heating system.
After several minutes you will notice that the fog output smoothly transforms into a
light steam solution. This means that the demineralized or distilled water has been
pumped around the machine.
- Let the machine perform at full output for approximately 20 minutes, to make sure
any internal dirt is removed when possible.
- Turn off the machine and let it cool down. Remove the demineralized/distilled water
from the tank.
You can save the demineralized/distilled water that was not used, but
only use it again for fog machine cleaning purposes, as traces of fog liquid have mixed
with the water inside the tank.
When the machine will not be used in the near future, you may leave the tank
empty. The demineralized/distilled water will stay inside the machine, which is
harmless. - Fill the machine with fog liquid and turn it back on. Let the heating process
take place. When the fog machine is ready, let it perform at 100% output. You will
notice that the machine produces steam, which will smoothly transform into fog as the
fog liquid is pumped through the system.