Special Modes of operation.
Discriminating Against Ground Minerals in severe mineral conditions.
If setting to Ground Minerals Low proves to be ineffective in dealing with
the Ground Minerals then turn to Middle setting. If this setting in insufficient
then turn to Hot Rocks setting.
Discriminating Against
‘hot rocks’ and metallic ore
It is done by choosing the Hot Rocks setting on the front panel.
Discriminating Against Salt Water on wet sand or tidal beaches.
The procedure is very similar to that used for ‘hot rocks’ and minerals; After
initial set-up, begin turning the Discrimination knob from position 0 to
clockwise direction, very slowly until the salt water signals turn into small
Discriminating Against Small Targets and leaving only larger metal
Many treasure hunters have been looking for the perfect metal detector.
One of those aims is for a detector that is capable to ignore or not detect at
all small metal objects such as coins, bottle caps even ring-pulls and detect
only larger metal targets such as hoards, metal pots, helmets, shields etc.
To reject all small metal targets place on the ground surface samples of all
small targets that you do not wish to be detected.
Start swinging the search coil closely over the unwanted targets. While
doing so start turning slowly the Discrimination knob from position 0
towards position 10, clockwise. Keep doing so until all small targets are
giving small clicks in the audio responses. Now the BONANZA is ready for
hunting larger objects only.