Set the aspect ratio of the screen. 16:9, 4:3, Native(Original) are selectable.
Set this mode to resize the screen to 3.56:1, 2.74:1, 2.59:1, 2.55:1, 2.40:1, 2.39:1, 2.35:1, 1.85:1,
1.75:1, 1.66:1, or 1.37:1.
Waveform Display
Select waveform display mode. Choose Normal to analyze whole screen, choose Line Select to
analyze a specific line of the screen.
Waveform Line Select
Select the line when you select Line Select mode for Waveform display.
Waveform Select
Select which color signal to monitor among Y, Cb, or Cr.
Waveform Color Mode
Choose either Single or Mixed.
Waveform Intensity
Set waveform color’s intensity between 0~63.