Pilot’s Manual
The upper portion of the cabin entry door serves as the left forward
emergency exit. The upper cabin entry door/left forward emergency
exit is secured to the fuselage by six latching pins which extend from
the left forward emergency exit into the fuselage structure and by two
latching pins which are driven from the left forward emergency exit
into an overlapping section in the lower cabin entry door. The pins are
extended and retracted by the upper cabin door handles (on the inside
and outside of the cabin door) which operate a common shaft.
Because the upper door is equipped with a keylock, it must be
unlocked before flight to ensure optimum operation as an emergency
exit. However, in the event that the keylock is locked, an override bar
is installed on the inside of the door, above the door handle. When
depressed outboard, the override bar will disable the locking function
and allow the inboard handle to unlatch the left forward emergency
exit. To open the left forward emergency exit from inside, the upper
cabin door handle is rotated up (counterclockwise) into the OPEN
position and the upper door is pushed open. The lower cabin door is
kept closed. Keeping the lower door closed will also provide a greater
safety factor in the event of ditching.