Firex Monitor Panel
This panel contains the split legend green
SQUIB and amber LO PRESS test switchlight.
The upper, green SQUIB portion illuminates
when depressed to indicate that the squib is ser-
viceable. The ground for the lamp is routed
through the squib coil, as in the engine system.
The lower, amber portion illuminates when
the bottle pressure is less than 275 psi (indi-
cating that the bottle has discharged or has in-
s u ffi c i e n t p r e s s u r e t o d i s c h a rg e ) a n d i s
accompanied by the FIRE FAULT system light
and flashing master caution lights.
A typical sequence of events for an in-flight
fire would be:
• Fire occurs in the left engine.
• The left engine fire detection system
detects fire and illuminates the red LH
ENG FIRE light (accompanied by the
fire bell).
• The pilot silences the bell and positively
identifies the affected engine.
• The pilot brings the left power lever to
shutoff and the engine shuts down.
• The pilot lifts the guard and pushes the
LH ENG FIRE light, illuminating both
green BOTTLE ARMED lights.
• After a brief delay to determine if this
action has extinguished the fire, the pilot
elects to use Firex bottle 1 and pushes
BOTTLE 1 ARMED switchlight, caus-
ing bottle 1 left port squib to fire.
• The contents of bottle 1 are discharged
into left engine.
• The bottle 1 pressure drops, causing the
green BOTTLE 1 ARMED light to ex-
tinguish and the amber BOTTLE 1 LOW
PRESS light to illuminate (accompa-
nied by the FIRE FAULT light and the
flashing master caution lights).
• The fire in the left engine extinguishes,
causing the red LH ENG FIRE light to
These bullet items only illustrate the
necessary steps to extinguish an en-
gine fire and are not to supersede
the Q.R.H. Procedures.
If the red FIRE light does not extinguish after
30 seconds (fire is still present), the pilot dis-
charges bottle 2 into the left engine by push-
ing the BOTTLE 2 ARMED switchlight. Both
bottles have now been used, and all resources
for fighting this or subsequent engine fires
are depleted.
To restart the engine, the FIRE switchlight
must be deselected to de-energize the engine
fire shutoff relay.
If only one engine Firex bottle was fired, de-
selecting the FIRE switchlight disarms the
serviceable bottle and the green BOTTLE
ARMED light will extinguish.
To disarm the engine Firex bottles,
deselect FIRE switchlights. Do not
press BOTTLE ARMED lights as
this will cause the bottle contents to
FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .
CL 601-3A/R