FlightSafety Canada
L t é e
L t d .
CL 601-3A
the valve is fully opened. The light extin-
guishes when the valve is fully closed. Since
the valve is motor operated, expect a delay of
approximately 2 seconds from the time the
switchlight is pressed until the proper indi-
cation appears. The valve normally remains in
the closed position and is opened only during
flight to correct a fuel imbalance.
LEFT switchlights are part of the POWERED
CROSS FEED system. Should an imbalance
between main tank fuel levels develop and
gravity equalizing with the crossflow valve not
be possible, the transfer is possible by de-
pressing the appropriate switchlight. The
depressed switchlight will illuminate steady
and will start flashing after eight minutes as
a reminder. An interlock prevents simultane-
ous operation of both switchlights.
The remaining five lights for each engine pro-
vide information as follows:
• The amber SCAV light illuminates to in-
dicate an inoperative scavenge ejector.
• The amber MAIN light illuminates to in-
dicate an inoperative main ejector. This
automatically triggers both standby elec-
tric pumps to operate if they are selected
to the ON position.
• The white VALVE CLOSED light illu-
minates to indicate that the firewall
shutoff valve has closed. Control of this
valve is from the respective FIRE PUSH
switchlight on the center glareshield.
• The amber FILTER light illuminates to
indicate an impending fuel filter bypass
or a clogged filter. (This condition is
covered in Chapter 7, “Powerplant.”)
• The amber LOW PRESS light illumi-
nates if fuel pressure at the inlet side of
the engine-driven pump falls below a
predetermined value.
• A fuel temperature indicator in the cen-
ter of the fuel control panel indicates
the temperature of the fuel as it leaves
the fuel heater at the fuel filter. (This is
a l s o c o v e r e d i n C h a p t e r 7 ,
“Powerplant.”) All amber lights on this
panel will activate the flashing master
caution lights and illuminate the FUEL
annunciator light.
The fuel quantity in each main tank as well as
the auxiliary tank is measured by a system of
the capacitance-type transmitters located in
each tank. Quantity information is fed to a sig-
nal conditioner which displays the quantity in
pounds for each tank, as well as the total, on the
fuel quantity panel. Only usable fuel is shown.
The digital readouts are tested from the engine
instrument test switch on the center instru-
ment panel. A successful test is indicated by
the appearance of a series of eights in the dig-
ital readouts (except for the last digit which
is zero on all but the total readout wherein the
last two digits are always zero).
The probes for the fuel quantity are powered
as follows:
• L. MAIN ............... DC essential bus
• R. MAIN ........................ battery bus
• AUX and TAIL .................. DC bus 1
The fuel quantity indicators are powered via
the SDC as follows:
• RH, LH,
AUX, TAIL ......... DC essential bus
• TOTALIZER ................. battery bus
If power to the probes is lost, the affected
quantity indicator will read zero, and the
amount of fuel remaining in that tank will be
subtracted from the total.