Project 1: Light Monitoring System
Once this is done, create a new product and select the A0 pin in hardware
configuration. We are choosing A0 since it is the only pin with ADC converter.
Pin A0 works with voltages from 0V to 1V. Give a suitable variable name to the
data collected by this pin.
Now let’s try an experiment to view sensor data on a line graph.
A. We will take a Light Dependant Resistor (LDR) which is an
analogue sensor for this experiment. You will also need a 330-
ohm resistor.
B. Connect one terminal of the resistor to the LDR.
C. The other terminal of the LDR is connected to the 3.3v terminal
of the Bolt and the other terminal of the Resistor is connected
to GND.
D. The common terminal is connected to A0 of the Bolt.
330 ohm resistor. Check the Orange,
Orange, Brown, Gold bands to identify it.