Using Your Compact Battery Pack
If you fire a long continuous series of flashes, especially at full power, the batteries in the Compact
Battery Pack may get hot. The pack will shut off automatically to prevent overheating. The indicator lights will
turn off when this happens. In this event, unplug the pack from your flash unit and allow the batteries to cool
for at least 10 minutes before continuing use.
To get the best use out of your Compact Battery Pack:
• Use in environments with moderate temperatures. When some battery types get cold, they lose some of
their ability to supply power. However, this does not mean that they have lost their charge, and they regain
the ability to supply power when their temperature returns to a more moderate level.
• High temperatures can cause some battery types to drain more quickly. If you have to shoot in a hot
environment, plan ahead for reduced battery capacity.
• To conserve battery life, turn the flash unit off or disconnect the Compact Battery Pack from it during long
standby periods. Very little power is consumed when the pack is in standby mode. The amount may vary
according to working conditions and the specific flash model used with the pack.
• Don’t fire more than 20 full-power flashes in a row as this can overheat and damage your flash. Refer to
your flash unit’s manual for information on its continuous full-power flash capacity and limitations.