17 Interchangeable guide roller with wide flanges for
the 400 ft cores
18 Feed spindle. The push-button will release the
core or the spool
19 Hub for the 400 ft roll of film
20 Lever for indicating amount of unexposed film:
(figure read off on the counter 11)
21 Serial number to be referred to in all correspon
22 Chromium-plated guide roller in place for 200 ft
Takes the place of 17 in this instance
23 Hub for the 400 ft roll of film
24 Take-up spindle, also fitted with a push-button
for releasing the hub or the spool
25 Spring-loaded lever fitted with a flanged guide roller to
control the film as it is taken-up onto the 400 ft core
26 Cover plate for the film entry aperture (to protect it
from damage and prevent dust from entering)
The 400 ft magazine is made from re-inforced plastic; it is
light-tight even without the cover plate 26: a baffletype light
trap is fitted inside the film entry aperture to prevent light
entering the magazine. The magazine should be handled
with care and, in particular, it should not be knocked or