From this page, you can adjust settings in the DSP. The appliance
uses traditional processors (for example, Compressor, Noise Gate,
Graphic Equalizer) for audio signals in the digital domain.
Note that depending on how your appliance channels are config-
ured, you could see two, three, or four Network channels. For
instance, you could be operating Network channels 1 and 2 in single
channel bridged mode. You would then see Network 1, Network 3,
and Network 4 on the DSP page. If you were to also place Network
channels 3 and 4 in single channel bridge mode, you would see Net-
work 1 and Network 3. If the appliance is configured in 4-channel
mono mode, four Network channels appear on the DSP page.
The DSP page shows
selections for the input chan-
nels and allows you to do the following:
• View
LEDs for each channel.
• Set the channel level for the four analog input, one network input,
and one analog output channels.
Selecting the
button for a channel number displays a menu of
other parameters. Some of these parameters affect all channels, in
which case a channel number does not appear on the top of the
graphic. If a parameter affects only the selected channel, a channel
number appears on the selected parameter graphic.
DSP parameters and the
buttons are described in
the following table.
Table 7, DSP Page
Silences the audio for the selected channel.
Adjusts the channel volume level in 1 dB
Lessens the dynamic range between the
loudest and quietest parts of an audio signal.
Graphic EQ
Uses fixed frequencies to tailor the frequency
content of an audio signal.
High/Low Pass
Sets the band of frequencies that will pass
through the high pass and low pass filters
and select the type of filter that is used.
Prevents a signal from exceeding an adjust-
able maximum level.