Bogen MIC2X Install Manual Download Page 2


Provides control over the level of input signal that can be applied to the
internal signal buses of the main unit. Allows a way to balance the input lev-
els of various devices so that the main unit controls can be set to relative-
ly uniform or optimum levels.


Allows a reduction in the amount of treble frequencies above 8 kHz.This is a
cut only filter and does not allow boosting treble. Clockwise rotation increas-
es the amount of cut.


Controls the minimum necessary input signal level to turn the module’s out-
put on and apply signal to the main unit's buses. Clockwise rotation increas-
es the necessary signal level required to produce output as well as the sig-
nal threshold necessary to cause the module to mute other modules.


Controls the amount of intelligibility enhancement applied to microphone sig-
nal. Intelligibility enhancement provides a crisper sounding signal that is easier
to understand over background noise. Clockwise rotation increases the effect.

Limiter (Limit) 

Sets the signal level threshold at which the module will begin to limit the
level of its output signal. Clockwise rotation will allow more output signal
before limiting, counterclockwise rotation will allow less.The limiter moni-
tors the module’s output signal level, so increasing Gain will affect when lim-
iting takes place.


Uses an XLR connector to make connections to the module’s input.The input
is low-impedance, electronically-balanced for excellent noise immunity.
Connect pin 


to shield, pin 2 to + signal and pin 3 to - signal.

Jumper Selections

Priority Level


This module can respond to 4 different levels of priority.


is the highest priority. It mutes modules with

lower priorities and is never muted. Priority 2 can be muted
by Priority 


modules and mutes modules set for 3 or 4.

Priority 3 is muted by either Priority 


or 2 modules and

mutes Priority 4 modules. Priority 4 modules are muted by
all higher priority modules.


The number of priority levels available is determined by the

module capacity of the amplifier the modules are used in.


Gating can help reduce noise in systems with multiple mic
inputs. You can disable gating (turning off) of the module’s
output when insufficient audio is present at the input.
Detection of audio for the purpose of muting lower priori-
ty modules is always active regardless of this jumper setting.

Phantom Power

24V phantom power can be supplied to condenser micro-
phones when jumper is set to On position. Leave off for
dynamic mics.

Bus Assignment

This module can be set to operate so that the MIC signal
can be sent to the main unit’s A bus, B bus, or both buses.

Module Installation


. Turn off all power to the unit.

2. Make all necessary jumper selections.
3. Position module in front of desired module bay

opening, making sure that the module is right-
side up.

4. Slide module on to card guide rails. Make sure

that both the top and bottom guides are

5. Push the module in to the bay until the faceplate

contacts the unit’s chassis.

6. Use the two screws included to secure the mod-

ule to the unit.


Turn off power to unit and make all jumper
selections before installing module in unit.


Allows a reduction in the amount of bass frequencies below 


00 Hz.This is a

cut only filter and does not allow boosting bass. Clockwise rotation increases
the amount of cut.
