Magnetics that count
BOGEN Magnetics GmbH
· Potsdamer Straße 12 - 13 · 14163 Berlin · Germany
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AKS17 ins
tallation and oper
ation ins
truction manual (2021/06/16)
Offset Compensation
The software provides an “Offset Compensation” tool which can be chosen by the user. It offers two options:
1) The user can set the current position to zero. In this case the
software will calculate the offset needed to set the current position as
zero automatically.
2) The user can set the desired offset manually. The new current
position is calculated by adding the offset to the current position.
Example: Current position is 24000 Ticks but the user wants this position to be 1050 Ticks. Now the user can
enter 239194 ((Current Po Resolution) mod Resolution) in the “Desired Offset” and then click “Set”.
The software automatically calculates the smallest possible offset that is a multiple of 4 and more than the
desired offset, that is 239196 to be set.
Serial Port Signal Trigger
The software provides a triggering signal using the serial port. The typical application for this feature will
use a microcontroller with already defined commands to start and stop. This microcontroller passes the
signal to a more complex system, e.g. starting a motor.
In this window the user needs to set the corresponding configurations for the signal receiver and the “Start/
Stop” commands. If a carriage return is chosen it will automatically be amended after the command.
Note: This tool is meant to be used only by professionals! Please provide an appropriate safety
mechanism, including emergency switches, movement limit switches etc.