Set Time Interval
Command <password>
<Time Interval>,<Distant Interval>, <Angle>,<0>,<ACC Ratio>
Time Interval =[5-65535] (unit: second); 0,to turn off this function
Distant Interval =[100-65535]
(unit: meter, suggest Distant Interval >500); 0, to turn off
this function
Angle= [15-360], (unit: degree, suggest Angle > 30 ); 0, to turn off this function
1 only integer; 0, to turn off this function
NOT suggest use all Distant Interval and Angle and Move Ratio and ACC Ratio if you don’t
have special needs.
7. Trouble Shooting
Problem: Device can’t power on
Possible Cause:
Wiring was not connected properly
Check and make sure wiring connection is in order.
Battery needs charging
Recharge battery
Problem: Device doesn’t respond to SMS
Possible Cause:
GSM antenna was not installed properly
Make PT502 in good GSM network coverage.
Low power
Connect the power cable to car battery directly or use
12V charger to charge it for 3hours at least
GSM Network is slow
Wait for SMS. Sometimes GSM network slows down
during peak time or base has problem.
Wrong password in your SMS or wrong SMS format Write correct password or SMS format
The SIM in PT502 runs out of credit
Recharge credit of the SIM card
No SIM card
Insert working SIM card. Check in phone that the SIM
can send SMS message.
SIM card has expired
Check in phone if the SIM card can send SMS
message. Replace SIM card if need.
SIM has PIN code set
Remove PIN code by inserting SIM card in your
phone and deleting the code.
SIM is warped or damaged
Inspect SIM card, clean the contacts. If re-installing
does not help, try another to check
Roaming not enabled
If you are in another country, your SIM card must have
roaming service enabled.
Problem: Reply SMS starts with ‘Last
Possible Cause:
PT502 does not have clear view of the sky
Move the antenna of the unit to a location where the
sky is visible.
PT502 is indoor
Make it work in an open area outside
Battery power is low
Recharge device
Problem: Can’t real-time tracking on platform
Possible Cause:
GPRS setting is not correct.
Please set each step strictly according to user