6. What to do if… ? Check that...
What to do if… ?
Check that...
No synchronisation
after installation
1) The clock’s synchronisation address and mode (unicast/multi
cast) match the NTP signal available on the network.
2) The master clock broadcasts the NTP signal with the same
synchronisation settings (NTP mode + multicast or unicast IP
3) The NTP server is on the same network as the slave
(IP address, subnet mask and gateways).
4) No PoE (hands immobile): check the PoE switch.
The NTP slave is not set
to the right time
1) Instigate an immediate search: reboot the clock in the
"System" page of the web server or disconnect the RJ45 cable.
2) The time zone is incorrect.
There is no DHCP server on
the network.
1) By default, the clock implements the following settings (after
approximately three minutes):
- IP:
- DNS:
2) Use the Bodet Detect software. The “Network configuration”
menu is used to define the clock’s network settings,
3) If there is no DHCP server, the clocks are visible in the Bodet
Detect software (after start-up, approx. three minutes). You can
then configure the IP address/mask that is compatible with your
Need to return to factory
In the web server: go to the "System" page, where you will find a
" Factory Reboot” button
On the device:
1) Switch the device off,
2) Press and hold both buttons (do not release them): push
buttons on the clock’s circuit board,
3) Switch the device on,
4) Wait for the device to start up again,
5) Release the buttons.
The clock (if it runs on PoE)
does not light up or keeps
1) The maximum power of the PoE switch is sufficient to power
all of the clocks connected to the switch.
2) The length of the cable is less than 100 metres
(refer to network cabling standards).
3) All the switch outputs are compatible with PoE.