1.2 Layout of the
in situ
sample stick
The liquid sample stick is designed to fit into the DEVA flow cryostat, details of
which can be found in the DEVA manual. It consists of a shapol target cell 30 mm x
30 mm with a mylar window upon which may be mounted an RF coil. Two stainless
steel capillaries provide a means of flowing liquid into and out of the cell along with
feed throughs for an RF excitation signal and a pick-up coil.
Figure 2
The liquid-sample cell mounted on a sample stick with a flat coil suitable for RF
1.3 Layout of the pump
The pump used with the Muon Liquid Handling System consists of a rotary pump
used to reduce the pressure of large volumes of gas and a turbo pump to achieve a
high vacuum. The main features pump used on the liquid handling system are shown
in the diagram below.