Press RGHT on the remote and the Checkup
Indicator changes to 0200.
The four-digit number on the remote indicates
the number of times bObi’s battery has been
If you would like to test a bObi blOck, unplug the
charging station so its signal does not interfere
with this test.
Place the blOck with its front facing bObi. Turn
on the blOck. Number 5 at the top of the remote
should be underlined. If 5 is not underlined, sync
bObi and blOck and repeat this step.
Step 5: (0100 continued)
Touch Sensors
Step 6: 0200
Battery Life, (and blOck)
Step 7: 0300
Wheels, Brushes, and Vacuum
Home Checkup Test
With an emptied dustbin attached to bObi, flip
bObi over onto a flat surface to keep her from
running away!
Press RGHT on the remote. The Checkup
Indicator changes to 0300.
bObi’s wheels and brushes should spin, and air
should flow out of the dustbin.
Numbers 1 and 3 at the top of the remote should
be underlined, indicating that the wheels’ sensors
are working.
80 touch sensors surround bObi’s bumper.
Press on any of the touch sensors on the left
side of bObi’s bumper, and number 6 at the top
of the remote should be underlined.
Press on any of the touch sensors on the right
side of the bumper, and number 7 at the top of
the remote should be underlined; .
When you release the bumper, the lines should
Plug the charging station.
Press RGHT on the remote. The Checkup
Indicator changes to 0400.
Place bObi on her charging station with charging
nodes touching.
The four-digit number on the remote displays a
number ranging from 0020 to 0200 to confirm that
bObi and her station are working well together.
If the number is between 0400 and 0800, let bObi
charge overnight and repeat the test.
Step 8: 0400
Charging Station