Berkeley Nucleonics Corporation
2955 Kerner Blvd., San Rafael, CA 94901 ° Tel (415) 453 9955 ° Fax (415) 453 9956 ° www.berkeleynucleonics.com
Figure 12 - 5 Microsecond Pulse Width – Wire Interconnection
4.3 Microsecond Fall Time, 454 ns Rise Time
As can be seen from the data above, even the inductance of 6 inches of wire in
the connection between the stripline and the laser diode can result in a 5X to 8X
degradation in the rise time and fall time.
7.0 Troubleshooting
The module contains capacitors that are used as energy storage elements. When
charged, these capacitors contain more than 7 joules of stored energy. This is
enough energy to cause injury. Assure that the +24 VDC power is disconnected
from the pulser, and that the capacitor bank is fully discharged before any repairs
or adjustments are attempted. Verify with a voltmeter that all circuits are de-
energized before servicing. Dangerous voltages, floating ground planes and
energy storage exist at several locations in the module. Touching connections or
components could result in serious injury.