Do not place the remote control in the
cargo area
Take the remote control with you and do not
leave it in the cargo area; otherwise, the re‐
mote control is locked inside the vehicle when
the tailgate is closed.◀
Locking the vehicle
Press the button on the inside of the tailgate.
When the driver's door is closed, the vehicle is
completely locked.
Automatic tailgate operation
Adjusting the opening height
You can set how far the tailgate should open.
Adjusting the opening height
When adjusting the opening height, en‐
sure that there is a clearance of at least
4 in/10 cm above the tailgate. Otherwise, the
ceiling may not be high enough for the open
tailgate if the load situation changes.◀
Turn the controller until the desired open‐
ing height is selected.
The tailgate opens fully.
Press the button on the exterior of the tail‐
Press the button on the remote
control for approx. 1 second.
Push the button in the driver's
The tailgate is opened if the vehicle is sta‐
tionary, provided that the tailgate has not
been locked.
Pressing the button again stops the motion.
The opening process is interrupted as well:
When starting the engine.
When the vehicle starts moving.
By pressing the button in the driver's foot‐
By pressing the button on the inside of the
Provide edge protection
Sharp or angular objects can hit the rear
window while driving and damage the heating
wires of the rear window. Provide edge protec‐
Without Comfort Access:
Seite 39
Opening and closing
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