1. When can not change mode.
-. Check if the IR Cable (Remote) is connected or not.
-. Check if LED is turned on or not. If it is not turned on, Check if power cable is connected or not.
-. Check if CAN is connected well.
2. When the screen is displaying only black color.
-. Check if 2nd LED is turned on or not. If it is not turned on, please check all video sources that you
will connect with the interface is operating well or not.
-. Check if interface is connected well.
3. When displayed color of screen is not proper. (If it’s too dark or the color is not proper)
-. Try to push “Reset button” on the remote control. If the color of screen keeps on displaying wrong
color, you have to ask manufacturer for the problem.
-. Try to adjust Color, Contrast, Brightness by the remote.
4. When Back-up camera is not displayed on the screen.
-. Turn Dip S/W no.7 on.
5. When the mode you set is not skip.
-. Check if Dip S/W is set in proper way.
6. When Main screen on the car is not displayed.
-. Check if In/Out cables are connected well. If it keeps showing the same problem, you have to
ask manufacturer for the problem.
7. When the screen is displaying only white color.
-. Check if out cable is connected well. If it keeps showing the same problem, you have to ask
manufacturer for the problem.