Group Tester One
Bench Power Unit
As an alternative to the docking station, the bench power unit may be used to power the
control panel. The bench power unit consists of the built in connecting cable on the con-
trol panel, the power unit itself and a separate power cable. When the control panel
receives power from the bench power unit, the internal battery is simultaneously
Optical Keyboard
The keyboard uses an Infrared link to communicate with the GT1 control panel. It is used
only for service programs and can not be used in place of the virtual keyboard of the con-
trol panel. The keyboard must always face the control panel when in use and must be
less than 1 meter away from the control panel (IR). The keyboard uses 4 AA batteries as
an internal power supply.
Old batteries can leak and damage the keyboard. Always
keep fresh batteries in the keyboard (or remove when not
in use).
If more than one GT1 is in use in the workshop, the optical keyboard should be config-
ured to a specific GT1 control panel as follows:
1. Press and hold the identification key while pointing the keyboard at the control panel.
2. Press a numeric key, 0-7 on the keyboard. The control panel will now respond only
to commands from that keyboard.
If necessary the identification can be changed at any time following the above instructions.