As a BMW owner, you will experience BMW qual-
ity first hand. Our dedication to excellence in de-
sign, engineering, and service is among the best
in the world. And we invest heavily every year in
our people and facilities to ensure that our quality
standards are consistently applied from the fac-
tory to the BMW center. Part of that investment
program is devoted to our multi-million-dollar
BMW Import Processing Center
Import Processing Centers staffed by our highly
trained specialists.
At these state-of-the-art facilities, each BMW is
given a thorough inspection after its transatlantic
shipment to the United States. Imperfections in
the mechanical and electrical systems or dam-
age to the sheet metal, paint, trim or other com-
ponents of the vehicle which may occur during
transportation from the factory to the United
States are normally detected and corrected at
the Import Processing Centers in the United
States. Any defect in material or workmanship
which occurs during the warranty period is cov-
ered under the New Vehicle Limited Warranty.