OZONE ANALYZER BMT 964 Manual, Rev. 04/2021
In the tubing line from the reactor to the Off-Gas Cabinet an optional Dirt Trap DT 100 can be
provided for safety, and to watch the sample gas after its passage through the sample gas cool-
The operation of the Off-Gas Cabinet is the same as of the standard BMT 964, see chapters
1 to 14!
Adjustment of Sample Flow: The sample gas flow is produced by the sample gas pump SGP 5,
and is set in the factory. If no pump is provided, but instead a throttle valve, the sample gas flow
rate can be set with the red knob (door open, upper right corner). The recommended flow rate is
about 0.5 l/min.
Make sure that the flow rate is not higher than 0.8 l/min, and the red ruby ball inside
the flow meter is not at its upper stop!
Disconnect electrical power before opening the cabinet door.
If the Autozero Interval is set to zero hours, the zeroing is not automatically activated by the
purge timer, anymore. It still may be initiated by the various manual zeroing commands described
on page 23.
Setting the Autozero Interval to zero hours also means, that the analyzer does not go
through the purge cycle and does not activate the Purge Unit! In this case, the user shall never
initiate zeroing with ozone applied to the inlet of the Cabinet.
Factory default is a purge interval of 24 hours.
The only maintenance recommemded is checking the sample gas filter insert on a regular basis.
The filter insert is of pure white material which easily shows most kind of dirt, except if the dirt is
Before opening the sample gas filter make sure that the sample line does not contain
ozone gas under an overpressure.
The interval of filter insert replacement has to be evaluated by the user. This interval depends on
the degree of cleanliness of the ozone sample gas. Spare filter inserts are provided inside of the