Chapter 4: Operating the Equipment
Reference Guide: CT6020HD
Page 21
March 09
To edit the mic gain sub-menu press Enter-Button for 2 seconds.
Use the Up- and Down-Buttons for navigation and select the desired mic gain by
pressing the Enter-Button.
To exit this submenu press Enter-Button.
3.9 MIC Phantom (9)
In the “MIC PHANTOM” sub-menu the use of a condenser Microphone is supported
and “ON” or “OFF” can be set.
In general, phantom voltages are used to power electronics within
condenser microphones. Condenser microphones require power for
various parts of their operation, including impedance converters,
preamplifier circuitry and, in some cases, to polarized microphone
capsules. Phantom is usually a DC voltage ranging from 12 to 48
volts. Microphones draw current from this voltage based on their
To edit the mic phantom sub-menu press Enter-Button for 2 seconds.
Use the Up- and Down-Buttons for navigation and select the desired mic phantom by
pressing the Enter-Button.
To exit this submenu press Enter-Button.