Power Badger Term Definitions
Modes Defined:
1). OFF: unit is powered and ready but will take no action.
2). Timed Ready: The device will have your engine ready to start at your set “Ready Time” based upon the
observed temperature and the “Ready Time” setting. The Power Badger will use the minimum amount of
power necessary to get the engine fully ready to start at your desired “Ready Time”. The Badger will
automatically repeat the programmed ready cycle every day until changed or unplugged.
3). Maintain Ready: The device will maintain your engine in a ready-to-start condition in perpetuity.
4). ON: The device will supply constant power to the heater without further control (in perpetuity).
Maintain after ready:
This selection controls how long the unit maintains your engine in a “ready to start” condition after your
selected “Ready Time” has elapsed. This is a user selectable parameter of between 0 hours and 9 hours.
*Example: If you have the “Ready Time” on your Badger set to 6:00am, the “maintain after ready” duration
you select (0-9), controls how long your unit will go into “Maintain” mode after 6:01am. If you select “3HR”
then your engine will be put in “Maintain” mode for 3 hours after the ready time….so, in this example of
“3HR” selected, the engine would be maintained in a ready to start condition until 9:00am. 9 hours is the
maximum amount of time the unit can be set to maintain after a “Ready” event. If longer than a 9 hour
maintain duration time is desired, the Badger can be put permanently in “Maintain Mode”, as discussed later
in this manual.
Ready Time:
“Ready Time” is a user defined setting, defining at what time the Power Badger device will aim to have the
engine ready to start. The device will use the (user defined) ready time along with the outside temperature
measurements to calculate when to fire the engine heater and for how long.
Maintain Ready Mode:
The function of the “Maintain Ready” mode is to keep (or maintain) an engine that is already ready to run
in a startable condition (ie..vehicle was just parked after running or was just brought up to temperature by
the “Ready” mode). The Power Badger device senses the outside temperature and calculates a firing duty
cycle algorithm designed to use the minimum amount of electricity necessary to maintain the engine in a
startable condition. To achieve this, the microprocessor inside the Badger divides that cycle into segments
of on and off, based upon the measured outside temperature. The Badger will automatically maintain the
engine in a startable condition, in perpetuity, until changed or unplugged.