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The DIP SW1 pin 5 must be set to ON to be able to play linked games;
otherwise only single play is allowed.
You can link between 2~8 games. One will be a master game and the rest
are all sub-games. There must be at least one master and one sub-game.
Serial numbers of the master game or the sub-games must not be
DIP SW1 pin 6~8
. It is not necessary to set the serial
numbers in order (1-2-3….), but the master game must be set.
The competition compares the score of each game against the others. If
the score is zero, it will not be counted into the competition.
If any of the games have finished the game first and restarted the game
and did not wait until the competition is over, it will not be counted into
the competition. Upon end of the competition if only one game remains,
it will not be counted either.
The first 3 places will be scored. The total points of each 3 games and
their respective place number will be shown; games with lower points
than the above mentioned 3 places will not be shown.
During a linking game, the remaining games not joined in the actual
game have no possibility to another linked competition. They must wait
until the first competition is finished (a link indicator light will be on). In
other words, only one group is possible to compete at a time.
When LINKED PLAY button is pushed, 6 seconds will be count down to
wait for other games to join the competition. Every time another game
joins the competition, another 6 seconds will start counting down. If
there is only one game pushing LINKED PLAY and no one else has joined
the competition, this game will start to play as SINGLE PLAY. In this case,
the link indicator light will still be ON to add players to LINKED PLAY.
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