The American Hi’Striker Scale uses a commercial scale kit that can be calibrated by Weights and
Measures in your locale if necessary. Or you can perform this set up yourself with a known weight
such as 80 pound sacks of sand or cement. To do this follow the attached instruction sheet for the
Scale Head. Note that there are 2 different function setups for this device. The first, which are F
functions are preset at the factory and should not be change. The second, are the A functions which
deal with the zero point and span functions, these are to be set by Weights and Measures or by your
self after setup at the Scale site. If set by Weights and Measures, they will seal the access to the
switch that allows for this calibration.
Note: When calibrating the zero point, be sure to include the removed back plate that give access to
the Weight head by placing it on the platform so it’s weight will be included.
To program the Scale Game Options, on power up you will have approximately 10 seconds to press
the <GAME RESET> key to enter the programming mode. Doing so will cause “ Sel Funct 1 to 9,
Game Reset to Exit” to be displayed on the Scale face. Using the number keys, select the function to
be viewed or programmed. Doing this will cause the display as follows. Use the +/- keys to adjust or
review the function data.
The functions are defined as follows.
Internal or soft meter values are displayed.
Total Plays
Defined as the total games counter including weight, age, and month.
Total Prizes
Defined as the total prizes given including weight, age, and month.
Total Weight
Defined as the total weight games played.
Weight Prizes
Defined as the total weight prizes given.
Total Age
Defined as the total age games played.
Age Prizes
Defined as the total age prizes given.
Total Month
Defined as the total month games played.
Month Prizes
Defined as the total month prizes given.
Use the + / - keys to cycle through the Meter values.
2. Weight guess +/- Lbs.
This defines the guess range of pounds that will be displayed after the guess is entered and
the game is begun. This affects the win/loose displays and soft meters. Use the + / - keys to
cycle through the weight range.
To Purchase This Item, Visit BMI Gaming | | (800) 746-2255 | +1.561.391.7200