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Connecting with Mobile
Before using this function, please ensure the headphone has already been paired with mobile phone
Making a call
Use the phone’s keypad. As general usage, dial the phone number you want to call by pressing the
phone’s keypad.
Answering a call
After being paired with your mobile phone,
the headset is now ready to receive
incoming calls without handling the phone.
When there’s an incoming call, both the
mobile phone and the headphone will ring
simultaneously. Upon hearing the ring tones
through the headphone’s speaker you can
answer the incoming call by pressing the
pairing button and the speaking normally.
Ending a call
You can use either of the ways to end a call:
1. Press for 3 sec the headphone’s pairing
button to end a call.
2. Press the phone’s keypad to end a call.
p.s. It may different operational process for some of
the mobile phone, Please visit our wed site
. The headphone’s ring tone may
not available for some of the mobile phone.
Incoming ring or outgoing call when listen the music
Whenever enjoying music, you can receive or make a call by“auto switching” function. Once you
have an incoming or outgoing phone call, you can hear the ring tone from the headphone. Then
follow the process as communication with Mobile phone. The music will return after ended a call.