BLUETAKE BT007Si / BT009Si Bluetooth USB Adapter – User Manual
3. After the search, icons will be highlighted (yellow) at the top of the BlueSoleil
Main Window for services that are supported by the device. Verify that the service
you want to use is supported.
4. Right-click on the device icon. In the pop-up menu, click Connect, then select the
service. BlueSoleil will start the connection. Depending on the security settings of
each device, you may need to enter the same passkey on each device in order to
bond the two devices.
5. A screen may appear asking if you want to set up automatic connections. Click
Yes or No.
6. If you are connecting to a phone, your phone may ask if you want to ask the
BlueSoleil computer to your device list. Enter “Yes” and enter a passkey.