Connection using corner boxes..
Connection using a gable..
Using a piece of liner for sealing
4. Connect to wall or facade
When a boxwall needs to end in deep water, like against a wall or a facade, the outermost
box may need to be supported. If the boxwall is connected alongside a wall or at an oblique
angle to it, it is provided with support by the wall itself.
If the boxwall approaches the wall in a right angle or in a sharp angle, one or more inward
corner boxes can be used to let the boxwall make a turn up along the wall. See photo above.
An other possibility for connections in a right angle is to use a gable, a boxwall element that
has a vertical side. The gables come in two versions, a left hand gable and a right hand
gable. The coupling mechanism is the same as for the other boxvall elements.
The connection between the boxwall and the facade may need to be sealed, and this is prefer-
rably done by using a plastic liner. A such can be ordered as an accessory to the boxwall.
The plastic sheet is attached up against the facade, and to the boxwall. Make sure that the
liner protrudes somewhat in front of the boxwall and fix it to the ground. If the liner is thin
enough it will adapt to irregularities in the ground and in the facade as the water rises and
the water pressure increases.
5. Kerb stones
Kerb stones or stairs can be passed using a couple of gables. The passage must be done perpendicular-
ly. When climbing upwards a right hand gable is connected to the end of the boxwall and is abutted aga-
inst the kerb stone, A new boxwall section, with a left hand gable in the end, is deployed on the higher
level. The two gables, now vertically offset, are screwed together through the vertical slot that all gables
have. Also when descending from a higher to a lower level a right hand gable is used to end the first box-
wall part, and is connected to its twin on the lower level.
To reduce leakage sealing may need to be improved between between the gables and the
kerb stone. Also in this case a piece of liner can be used.
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