AMC Main Control Panel
This is the main setup screen for the AMC control program. It shows which preset is loaded in the
AMC, and the current configuration of that preset. The AMC control program and the AMC rack are
interlinked through the USB connection so that actions on the remote, such as changing the
system gain, will be reflected in the AMC program and vice versa.
Navigating around the interface
Blue Boxes
- represent items that are activated when clicked with your mouse. In some cases
clicking a blue box will initiate an action and in other cases it will open up another screen.
Black boxes with text
represent parameters that can be entered directly using the delete key, the
backspace key, numerical keypad and the enter key. To change the value, select value you want
to change with the mouse, use the delete key to a erase the old value, type in the new value, and
hit enter. The value you enter using the keyboard is automatically checked to make sure it's in
acceptable range.
Check boxes
represent an either/or setting. For example, if you click the left/right digital check box
it will automatically turn off the left right analog check box.