Direct Grilling on the Classic Cooker
(Steaks, Hot Dogs, Sausages, Chicken, Kebobs, Etc.)
Before tackling “grilling”, let me first define some terms and give a brief overview of the difference
between grilling and barbecuing. For everyone in North Carolina and Texas, skip this part and move
directly to “Grilling”, everyone else please read this.
The Difference between Grilling and Barbecue
This is a question that is asked by many, but not widely known or understood. A lot of the
confusion lies in the fact that people often use the same piece of equipment for grilling as
they do for barbecue. The two are however antithetical to one another.
Grilling is a high heat cooking method. Food is cooked directly over the coals and is
normally ready in a matter of minutes. Grilling temperatures are usually in excess of 500
degrees Fahrenheit, and food is cooked close to the heat source. The high heat chars the
surface of the food, seals in the juices and creates a smoky caramelized crust.
Grilling is the oldest, most widespread and most forgiving method of cooking. Rich and
poor alike practice it on six continents in restaurants, street stalls, and backyards.
Barbecuing by contrast lies at the opposite end of the spectrum from grilling. It is a long,
slow, in-direct, low-heat method that utilizes very low temperatures, smoke, and time to
cook the food. Barbecue temperatures are usually between 200 and 300 degrees
Fahrenheit. This low heat generates smoke, and this smoke gives barbecue its
characteristic flavor. The heat source is often separated from the cooking chamber, which
contains the actual food.
This method of cooking is ideally suited to large pieces of meat such as whole pigs. It is
also perfect for cuts with lots of tough connective tissue, like brisket and spareribs. In fact
barbecue was traditionally associated with the poorer echelons of society, who were
unable to afford the more expensive cuts of meat.
Indirect Grilling
ClassicCooker Grills & Roasters
PO Box 70
Waynesboro, PA 17268
Phone 800-COOKERS
Fax 717-762-1966